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Cyber security + Cybercrime Muhammad Umer

Web Security : An obligatory term for starters

What is Web Security? What exactly is web security? In very basic terms, web security basically refers to the defensive measures and methods that organizations adopted to protect the business from, external threats and cyber criminals who make use of the internet channel as their mode of procuring resources. Web [...]

WAF And Network Firewall

Cyber security + Global news + Firewall Muhammad Umer todayJune 24, 2021 84

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Web Application Firewall (WAF)

A web application firewall (WAF Security) is specifically a certain type of security measure that filters, guards, and blocks HTTP traffic from and to a web application. It’s designed to prevent hackers and other individuals from compromising your data, exposing it to unauthorized use. In some cases, Web applications are used simply as a way to provide a better interface to a company’s existing Internet infrastructure. However, web application firewalls can be used for more complex applications.

Waf Features Offered By Hack Protection

For example, you may have heard of a web application firewall known as a server plugin. A server plugin is an appliance that runs on your own servers, acting as a gateway between the browser and your internal data storage or application servers. This type of appliance will typically be run by your company’s network administrator, or a dedicated IT staff.

While server plugins are a common form of web application firewall, they don’t cover all threats. In fact, there are actually quite a few ways that they aren’t even able to detect some attacks. For instance, some common types of web-based malware and viruses aren’t detected by most WAFs. They may come from downloads, email attachments, or from malware programs themselves. Even when they are detected, sometimes the anti-virus or anti-spyware on your computer isn’t able to remove them, leaving you open to additional attacks , for which we use any malware removal tool later.

Waf Features Offered By Hack Protection

Another problem with server-side filtering appliances is that they often only block traffic that originated from computers that are members of your organization. This means that some non-outsourced network traffic could get through. This kind of misuse is common in phishing scams, spyware and other malicious programs. You may also inadvertently bypass a web application firewall because scripts from disallowed locations attempt to load during normal browsing sessions. Again, this opens you up to further attack.

A good web application firewall also blocks unwanted software from being installed on your machines. Some viruses and other malware programs masquerade as utility applications such as internet browsers and masquerade as legitimate Windows programs. If the software that these programs try to install is already installed, then the browser will refuse to run, and you will be presented with a message about installing “malware.” It’s important that you can recognize the difference between legitimate Windows programs and potential malware attacks and use a WAF to block suspicious code from running.

As an added measure, it’s a good idea to also run a web application firewall at the same time as you’ve installed any of the security measures mentioned above. You can have both services running simultaneously or just one. Whichever you choose, however, the protection of your data, your systems, and your privacy is invaluable.

Network Firewall

In computer networking, a network firewall is a generic term for a computer network security device that controls and manages outgoing and incoming network traffic according to predefined security rules. A firewall generally establishes a protective barrier between an untrustworthy network and a trusted network, including the Internet. Network firewalls use different approaches to security, including basic block protection, filtering, or logging. A comprehensive security solution should include all these functions.

Basic block protection is the simplest form of network firewall, using simple processes to determine which networks are safe to allow in and which ones are not. Incoming traffic is blocked by putting up a simple fence, so an incoming connection can be forwarded only through certain gateways. Simple firewall settings usually do not have any advanced features and work best with default settings. The advantages of this type of hardware firewalls are minimal cost and ease of use. However, some users may consider it insufficient since they are not always set up to monitor an entire network.

Waf Features Offered By Hack Protection

Advanced network firewalls can perform more complicated tasks such as matching network ports to a specific application, matching port groups to applications, and more. Most advanced software firewalls can even perform a virus scan on ports. These software firewalls can be installed with web-based applications or through the use of CD-ROMs.

The next step up from simple firewall types is application-layer firewalls. Application-layer firewalls are the most commonly used type of firewall, allowing both blocking and filtering. It works by marking ports as “safe” or “unsecured”, and then regulating the traffic between them. In simple terms, this means that an unqualified server can connect to a computer that is considered “dangerous” by the firewall. If the server is allowed in, the user will experience a message saying that access is restricted.

Some application layer firewalls also include a security filter. A security filter can block or filter out packets based on certain criteria. For instance, some application layer firewalls can allow only ICMP messages (ICMP Echo Request/Ping) and ICMP broadcasts (ICMP ARQ). Other firewalls will allow only TCP packets (TCP Destination Options), FTP packets (SMTP) or STD connections (STD Monitor). These firewalls can filter ICMP Echo Retriever packets and ICMP broadcast packets.

When a network enters the internal network (inside the firewall), a packet inspection machine can intercept the incoming packets. The machine will first examine the IP header for ICMP destination unreachable, ICMP destination unknown, or error messages. After the machine has received the packet, it will determine if the packet matches the rules defined in its filter. If the match is valid, it will return an error status, notify the administrator about the rejected packet, or print a notice to that effect.

Comparison between WAF and Network Firewall

When looking at the web hosting market today, it is easy to see why so many companies are choosing to install their own applications, rather than relying on managed services provided by third-party suppliers. In many cases, this means that there is a corresponding lack of IT expertise from these companies. For those companies that do have an IT department, they may not be versed in the management of a web application firewall or may not be aware of the relevant terms such as host Guard or Application Firewall. Therefore, it is important for every hosting company, whether they use managed services or not, to make sure that their support staff at least has basic knowledge of the installation and maintenance of a web application firewall.

Waf Features Offered By Hack Protection

When IT support technicians are called upon to help resolve problems with firewalls, it is usually because an application has become too dangerous to tolerate any further access. For this reason, an application firewall is installed within the host operating system. This provides a layer of security, above and beyond the Internet. While a firewall will not prevent hackers from gaining access to your site, it can stop them doing so in a straightforward way, without requiring the software to be programmed further or to take up additional storage space. The primary purpose of a firewall is to stop hackers from gaining access to your data and using it for any purpose they wish. It will, therefore, have a negative impact on your ability to compete in the marketplace if you do not have one installed and running.

A simple web application firewall will probably do the job just fine in most cases. Some of the more popular products include Comodo Firewall Manager, Zone Alarm Internet Security Manager, hack protection’s WAF and Zone breached firewall. Whilst each product has its own advantages and disadvantages, it is worth comparing web-based firewall programs on the market before deciding upon the one that is right for your needs.

Waf features hack protection
Waf Features Offered By Hack Protection

Each web application firewall program is designed to perform a specific task. Some are designed to block all outgoing traffic, whilst others are designed to block specific types of traffic. You will need to investigate exactly what features each firewall program has, and then determine whether it will be sufficient for your needs. Most programs will perform a basic security function, such as blocking software that has malicious code hidden inside it. However, you may require additional features, such as those that help you manage and monitor traffic.

A lot of the time, people choose to use a firewall to protect against malicious hackers, but they neglect to think about it from the point of view of their website. Most web applications contain a large amount of information, and if a hacker can gain access to this information then it can certainly cause a catastrophic effect. If you have a website containing music or other types of media, then it is even more important to have a firewall in place as you don’t want that data to become available to people on the internet. Even if the information is stored on a secure server, it isn’t worth risking the chance of everything becoming accessible to every person who turns up online.

No matter what type of web application firewall you use, it is extremely important that you make sure you have one installed. Without one, you could find that your entire site gets blacklisted, which would mean that no one could get to it. While this isn’t the end of the world in many cases, it certainly means that you wouldn’t be able to allow anybody on your site. If you currently don’t have a firewall program installed, then it’s never too late to get started.

Written by: Muhammad Umer

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