Of course, all attacks are pretty dumb and it is indeed hard to make sense of them. In this article, we will particularly be discussing the bizarre cyber attacks on major companies and their lethal impacts.
A cyber attack is a sort of data manipulation by the hacker in one or more than one computer, or an entire network. This assault is done to steal damage or edit the data. Hackers are considered to be one of the worst types of criminals. A hacker does not only steal or manipulate the data but also, emotionally blackmail the user. What could be worse than blackmailing or manipulating the emotions of any person by breaking into their privacy?
Let’s have a brief look at when did all these cyberattacks and breaches of security start.
Cyber attacks were first discovered in the late nineteenth century when some teenage boys working on telephone exchange connected false calls and played them illegally. After that, some other activities like this continued and became very frequent. Until then, any government was not interested in eliminating such crimes. Whenever any activity like it happened, it was thought to be a software problem. Hence, it was too late to apprehend the cyber assassins at the time. If a crime is not controlled in the very initial stage then it may get very complicated to control it afterward.
Some developed countries have been very conscious of these crimes during the last couple of years although some underdeveloped countries yet did not take it seriously, nor thought of taking the necessary precautions. Developed countries now possess a firm grip on cyber attacks and hackers. As soon as any cyber attack is reported, they act in cooperation with the police and arrest the invader at once.
Cyber-attacks occur every minute to different companies around the globe, this might give you an idea regarding how frequent they are. If you say that a company has never got a cyber attack then the chances are that this is highly unlikely.
CISCO is a known company that provides you security from such attacks. The CEO of this company stated: “There are two types of companies;
1- Those that have been hacked once.
2- And the ones that do not know yet that they have been hacked.”
You might be wondering that why are hackers even interested in knowing someone else’s data, or why are these cyber attacks increasing rapidly day by day. Let’s have a look at the potential causes now.
Oftentimes, the main motive is to demand for a high sum of money or ransom. 53% of the cyber attacks are undone when the ransom is offered. Ransom paid by this percentage exceeds the limit of $500,000.
Some steps that must be followed to have a safeguard against such assaults are continuous malware removal techniques, such as, check the website for malware by making use of a site scanner and other different malware removing tools available.
Remember, there is still no surety that you will not get attacked after implementing these instructions. These are just some precautionary measures just to be as safe as possible.
However, like every field, hacking too has got some amateurs and unprofessional. These people just try to swag around claiming themselves as hackers. If there are good hackers in the market, then it is also full of newbies and immature. These types of hackers make any simple mistake and then get caught easily. Undoubtedly the use of a site scanner, website removal tool, and malware removal could prove useful to overcome such breaches.
Well coming back to the topic, here are some of the dumbest cyber attacks of all time.
Hacking is not just breaking into someone’s personal or business information and misusing it against them. There is a whole wider picture to this story. Let’s analyze it by having a look at the few five dumbest cyber attacks of all time.
It is a group of hackers that came into existence in 2013. They stole some very important, confidential, and secret disks from the National Security Agency. Guess what? From the last summer, they have been publishing secrets of the government month after the other. They have been successful to publicly embarrass the NSA and this has also decreased its security and data-keeping trait reputation. Many people working in the NSA resigned from their job as the threat of their secrecy being increased day by day.
Shadow Brokers have exposed the inner matters of CISCO, MICROSOFT, and other operating system companies. This has forced the company and clients to scuttle around at once. Whenever a company gets hacked, its client often feels unsafe to work with them, and hence some clients block contact with such companies, leading to overall economic losses at a large scale. It may prove vulnerable for the mere existence of such a company for the reason that all their pending order will be dismissed. They will face a very tough time after being hacked.
Shadow brokers also gave the authors of WannaCry a gift in name of the ransomware. After this outbreak, these individuals in jeopardy claimed to leak more of the NSA every single month. This threat was very shocking for NSA and other similar companies as well.
The question is who are these people, where have they come from?
And the answer is simple, no one knows. No one has an idea about the existence of these guys. All we know is to be safe on the internet and do not let NSA do black again. Malware removal, site scanner, check the website for malware, and use of malware removing tool can have worked to solve this case.
WannaCry is an inimitable sort of cyber attack that went worldwide. It involved a ransomware cryptoworm dubbed WannaCry. It worked differently from all other attacks; it encrypted data and demanded ransom.
Site scanner, malware removal, checking the website for malware and the mare use of malware removing tool must be used to overcome such kind of cyberattacks.
Ransom was demanded as payment through bitcoin to be as safe as possible from the police. What was even more dangerous was its ability to self replicate itself which made it unique. Even though it was stopped at the very initial stage when a sort of remedy was discovered nevertheless it caused damage to almost 0.2 million computers in around 150 countries.
It will indeed come across as pretty shocking to know that it was cultivated through EternalBlue exploit that Shadow Brokers stole from the National Security Agency. This shows that all the hackers are united through backstage and some underground networks. They are united and hence get strong enough to do illegal activities on such a large scale.
The government seriously needs to eliminate such criminals from the very root. The government must educate people for malware removal, site scanner, checking the website for malware, and the use of malware removing tools to have safety again cyber attacks.
Yahoo, the magnificent messenger and search engine has also got such breaches many times, yes! many times. The very first cyberattack on Yahoo was performed in the year 2013, in August. It affected almost all the customer’s accounts at that time. A counted number of accounts at that time were three billion.
It was not less than a real war between the hackers and the government. But unfortunately, the hackers were not punished accordingly and no reports were made on the account. That’s the reason for it being hacked time and time again.
After this major breach, the second breach was done in September 2016. Damage made in this breach was humongous. The first breach was negligible as compared to this one.
This cyber-attack disclosed names, phone numbers, addresses, and even some bank account details of the users. All the users were terrified of Yahoo for this. Users had been safe from this if they used it.
Well, the company administrators of Yahoo were at fault, concerning this matter. If Yahoo was hacked once previously, it should have made itself even stronger than before. But it went the opposite; Yahoo thought that who would hack them for the second time. Here the stand now after getting hacked a lot of times and every time it lost millions of dollars, as well as credibility and customer loyalty. This is one of the major reasons why Yahoo is at a loss for the past couple of years.
As you are well aware of the fact that Uber is a taxi sharing application that allows you to ride with other people on their cars. It is a good part-time source of income for many individuals. It is also a good platform for sharing transport with others and has many eco-friendly advantages as well. It reduces your average fair and you move with comfort as well. The company has exposed the information that their application got cyber-attacked in prior 2017. They have exclaimed the fact that the information of around 60 Million drivers and passengers got leaked during this data breach. Name, phone numbers, license number, car plate number, and payment options information of the users got leaked out. For this purpose, Uber was boycotted in 2018 but afterward, other news got embellished and it was ignored. Although it was not to be ignored, yet many of the officials try to reopen their case.
When a company gets cyber attacked, some of the faults are of the company. There are special SOPs to prevent your system from hacking. As mentioned above, for many years hacking was considered a software issue, and every hacking activity was ignored. Later on, when the case was studied in detail, Uber confessed that a couple of people who did not work for them somehow got access to their data based on a third-party cloud. Furthermore, they have confessed that their forensic experts have not seen any other type of information leaks except that.
Many companies compromise on their customer’s privacy policy to collect their private information. To be safe on your behalf, whenever you install such a ridesharing application, make sure you read the privacy policy carefully.
Uber users must make malware removal, site scanning, check the website for malware, and use malware removing tool a part of their daily routine, to keep themselves safe from such dense cyber attacks in the future and not compromise on the personal information of their customers, and keep the data scrutinized.
Equifax breach is yet another one of the dumbest attacks of all time. Equifax is a company that shows the consumer his credit scores. These might be used by the consumer to have a detailed general credit position. Equifax is such a website that if hacked, it can be the worst nightmare for users. Hackers will get all the needed information about your income. And guess what, this nightmare became true, and the company had its website hacked. Around 117 Million people got their information exposed during this cyber hack. The company publicly made the confession of being hacked. The hype went crazy; their call centers got blocked for receiving so many phone calls. Companies like Equifax should not let any consumer proceed without malware removal, site scanning, check the website for malware, and use of malware-removing tools, to ensure their security and safety.
Lastly, let’s have a look at how these cyber attacks can be prevented, a nd what can possibly be done to minimize the chances of your personal information getting leaked.
By making use of malware removal from the computer continually, using site scanners, check the website for malware and malware removal tools.
These ways will help you to save you from cyber attacks. Furthermore, the use of the site scanner every time you surf a new website is highly recommended. Malware removal and the use of malware removal tools will help you to eliminate the likely virus to invade such an attack.
Hoping this article would have given you sufficient idea regarding how harmful these cyberattacks can be, that even some of the world’s biggest companies and websites had themselves at risk, and could not guarantee their security.
By taking the necessary measures you can although minimize the degree of threat and risks attached, however, the possibility of business or personal computers getting hacked, can not be entirely ruled out. Make sure to always keep a check on your behalf as well, as a user, and not add all your personal information on every other website.
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